Erwin Böttinger, MD


Erwin is a pioneer in groundbreaking life science research and an experienced leader in the translation of promising technologies to patients.

Prof. Dr. med. Erwin Böttinger joined the Wyss Center as Director in April 2023.

Erwin has a longstanding track record in personalized medicine, with emphasis on genomics and digital technologies. Before joining the Wyss Center, he was instrumental in building the Charles Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine and the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, both with a strong translational focus. He was also the principal architect of the Mount Sinai’s BioMe™ Biobank.

Erwin served as founding director of the Digital Health Center at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering and University Potsdam, and as CEO of the Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany, where he was responsible for BIH’s forward-looking strategy ‘Personalized Medicine – Advanced Therapies’.

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A new model of cooperation and collaboration to accelerate translational research and development in the field of neurotechnology and artificial intelligence.


With a broad leadership experience in managing international, multi-disciplinary R&D organizations, Mark is poised to lead the Wyss Center’s research and development goals into valuable clinical and commercial opportunities that can significantly impact patient’s lives
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Craig Cook, MSc, MD, MBA

Head of Business Development & Licensing

Tracy Laabs, PhD

Head of Development & Special Programs

Mark Stolz

Head of Research & Development

Roma Vuarier, PhD

Head of Finance & Administration