David Ibáñez Soria joined the Wyss Center as Brain Machine Interface Scientist in February 2020, then continued as Senior Engineering Manager / Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) Scientist in February 2024. He is responsible for designing and implementing novel, real-time data processing and information extraction algorithms from multimodal physiological data with direct clinical applications. He will integrate these algorithms with the Wyss Center’s real-time processing system as well as with other devices, such as robotic limbs, displays, or neural and muscle stimulators.
David obtained his PhD in Biomedicine from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. For his PhD thesis, he explored the capabilities of echo-state networks and their application in EEG feature extraction and classification problems. David holds two MSc degrees in Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunications.
Prior to joining the Wyss Center, David worked as scientific researcher and project manager in Starlab Barcelona, where he participated and led various international projects. He actively contributed to the success of the non-invasive brain monitoring and stimulation devices of Starlab’s spin-off Neuroelectrics.
David’s main interests are applied science, new medical devices, telemedicine platforms, machine and deep learning, neuromodulation and brain-stimulation.

David brings experience in neural signal processing, non-invasive brain stimulation, closed-loop stimulation and artificial intelligence.