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Arnau Espinosa joined the Wyss Center in June 2018 as Staff Engineer and Neurotechnology expert, then continued as Senior Engineering Manager in February 2024. He is responsible of design and development of stroke rehabilitation initiative and collaborates on augmented/alternative communication projects. He brings experience in neural signal processing, brain-computer interfaces and medical devices regulation.

Arnau holds a master’s degree in telecommunications engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona. He started as a researcher at Philips Research in Eindhoven in the BCI-lab of Dr. Gary Garcia. Following his time at Philips, he joined the SPECS group at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona at 2010. In 2012 he moved to a position at g.tec medical engineering, where he worked in research and software development. He helped establish the g.tec office in Barcelona, where he was responsible for company management, research and projects development.

Arnau Espinosa

Arnau has a keen interest in advanced neural data processing algorithms, neuronal networks and neurorehabilitation devices.