The Lighthouse Partnership is a groundbreaking inter-institutional cooperation and collaboration aimed at accelerating translational research and development in the field of neurotechnology and artificial intelligence. The goal is to leverage interdisciplinary excellence present in the Lemanic Region to further innovate and accelerate novel cutting-edge neurotechnologies to treat neurological and mental health disorders.
The impact of deaths and disability caused by neurological disorders is increasingly being recognized as a global public health challenge, and this burden is set to rise during the next few decades as a result of an aging population. Around 165 million Europeans are living with a brain disorder, and it is estimated that one in three people will suffer from a neurological and/or mental disorder at some point in their lives. It is increasing clear that novel treatments using recent advances in artificial intelligence, neuroscience and neurotechnology are urgently needed to address this challenge.
The Lighthouse Partnership represents a new approach to inter-institutional cooperation and collaboration at Campus Biotech in Geneva. It brings together the non-profit Wyss Center and academic institutions such as the Neuro X Institute of the École Polytechnique Federal Lausanne, the Synapsy Centre for Neuroscience and Mental Health research of the University of Geneva (UNIGE), and clinical partners (Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG) and Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)) that provide clinical inputs as well as the interface with patient populations.
By establishing interdisciplinary collaborations between 30+ leading scientists, engineers, researchers, and clinicians in the fields of neuroscience, engineering, computer science, and medicine, the Lighthouse Partnership promises new avenues for the development of cutting-edge AI-guided neuromodulation therapies.
The partnership will initially focus on advancing the development of three translational projects at the intersection of circuit neuroscience, neuroengineering and neuro-AI:
Partners have committed to focus on furthering joint research and development for the next four years on these three strategic projects. It is anticipated that start-ups and strategic partnerships will enable technologies and therapies developed through this partnership to reach the clinic. The Wyss Center has committed to provide CHF 18M funding over four years to accelerate translational technologies for industry partnerships and clinical impact.